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2015 Annual Report

Our banking services are services provided for banks

and corporate clients for the integrated management

of bank collections and payments, discount operations,

payment confirmations and technical coverage of

connectivity to SWIFT.

Global coverage of Payment Systems

The administration, supervision and settlement of

bank transactions and retail payment instruments

exchanged by an entity in the framework of national and

international payment systems as a represented entity.

Channelling and processing collections and payments in

euros and foreign currencies for corporate clients.

Integrated discount management

Economic and administrative management of all the

transactions for an entity’s discounted notes, from

collecting the data for the notes for settlement with the

client until their application for collection.

Global confirming service


Administration of payment commitments (invoices)

contracted by the bank’s clients with their goods and

services suppliers on a maturity date, through the

operating-technical application called FINVERSIÓN

which speeds up the financing or investment of both

clients and suppliers.

Technical SWIFT coverage

Technical coverage connection service from an entity’s

or client’s BIC code to the SWIFT network, which enables

clients to use all the SWIFT services in the same way as

if they had a direct connection to the SWIFT platform.

Activity during the year

In 2015 the processes of converting and adapting to

the new SEPA payment instruments were completed in

the fields of transfers and direct debits both with clients

and with the entities represented. In this respect, the

times of processing these operations were adapted and

the settlement of SEPA was launched in the SNCE with

the same day value. In addition, SEPA direct debits were

integrated into the Discount platform as another type

of document.

A large part of work centred on facilitating the addition

of new investment and pension fund managers and their

business in the field of the depositary as regards current

accounts, collection and payment management and the

exchange and settlement of participants’ transfers.

Notable within Cecabank’s activity as a central operating

service provider is the joint management of the accounts

of the Social Security’s Treasury Department to serve

customers. Likewise, it continued to provide service

for the Temporary Joint Venture business, started by

different Spanish financial institutions and Cecabank

itself to manage the treasury of Loterías y Apuestas

del Estado (LAE), with thousands of LAE accounts open,

where Cecabank is the only manager.

Cecabank worked very hard to maintain the AENOR

UNE EN ISO 9001 quality certification for services of

exchange, clearing and settlement of collection and

payment transactions (transfers, direct debits, fund

transfers and advance credit payments) and to obtain

the UNE-ISO/IEC 27001 certification for the information

security management system for SEPA operations.

These certifications form part of the culture of continual

improvement and quality of service which Cecabank

believes in and which is reflected in its Strategic Plan.

Banking Services

Payment and Clearing Systems

1. Strategic lines | Economic and regulatory enviroment | B uilding the future | Business lines 2. Financial information | Activity | I ncome Statement | Capital base | R atings 3. Business risk | T he risk function at Cecabank

03 Our Business Model