4 October 2023

9th Secure Payments & GO Congress


The 9th edition of the national congress dedicated to means of payment, Secure Payments & ID Congress, was held on 20 September 2023, with the participation of Nuria Mohedas, Director of Payments and Digital Banking, and Danith Valles, Chief Architecture Officer, on behalf of Cecabank.

The experts participated in two of the discussion panels included in the congress programme.

Nuria participated in the first panel of the event, at 9:15 a.m., which addressed issues related to the transition from experience-based decision-making to data-driven decision-making, focusing on payment terminals, card issuance and the management of claims processes in payment processes. She was joined by: Mario Cantero, founding partner of Deep Payments; Jesús Capote, Head of POS Development at Comercia Global Payments; Álvaro Mier, Customer Experience Manager at Getnet Europa; and José Javier Jiménez, Innovation Director at Diusframi.

Danith, on the other hand, featured at 3:30 p.m. in the panel discussing 'onboarding trends' and how to build a good relationship with customers and users based on these trends. The discussion panel also featured: Carlos Rodríguez, Commercial Director for Spain at Lleida.net; Jaime Castro, CISO at Evo Blanco; David Cuesta, Director of Business and Digital Banking Operations at Banco Cetelem; and David Moreno, Information Security and Technology Expert (CISO/CTO) at Tendam.

Both discussion panels were held in the MasterCard Room.

Shall we talk?