20 October 2023

Cecabank in the event of Overall Investigations Summit

GIR Live

The Global Investigations Summit organised by GIR Events opened on 4 October at Thompson Madrid. This event took place during the week of 4 to 6 October and invited the participants to reflect on issues related to individual liability, sanctions, bribery and corruption, with a particular focus on cross-border investigations and the challenges posed by investigations into crypto-asset tracing, technology and offences against the environment.

Raquel Cabeza, Corporate Director of Risk and Compliance at Cecabank, attended the third day of the event to chair one of the scheduled presentations.

Thompson Madrid opened its doors to the public on Wednesday with a welcome pre-conference and wrapped up the event with closing remarks from the chairs on Friday 6 October after several days of activities dedicated to the main topics on the agenda.

Shall we talk?