2 November 2023

6th Edition of the Blockchain & Digital Archives Forum

El Confidencial


The 6th edition of the Blockchain & Digital Assets Forum will be held next Tuesday, 7 November. This event, organised by El Confidencial in conjunction with other organisations (Allfunds, Grant Thornton, LALIGA, Metrovacesa and Mastercard), aims to bring together different experts and people curious about Blockchain technology and digital assets to talk and discuss topics related to the use of Blockchain, tokenisation, Artificial Intelligence and crypto-assets.

This edition will feature Aurora Cuadros, Corporate Director of Securities Services at Cecabank, who will take part in one of the talks scheduled at the event. She will be accompanied by Carlos Salinas, Head of Digital Assets at Morabanc, and Sergio Fernández-Pacheco, Azvalor Asset Management - CFO and COO. Together they will discuss and reflect on the possibilities and evolution of blockchain in investment funds in Spain.

The event will be held at Zenit The Studio from 9 a.m. and will end with a closing speech at 2.30 p.m. Almost five hours where 40 sector experts will share their knowledge on the current state of Blockchain technology and its digitalisation process.

Shall we talk?