13 November 2023

AECOC-Cecabank Payment Systems Conference. Commerce of the future: Leading the change


The AECOC-Cecabank Payment Systems Conference will be held on 29 November, the theme of which is "Commerce of the future: Leading the change". This event will bring together different representatives from the financial industry and commerce at Cecabank's head office.

According to a prestigious consultancy firm, between 2020 and 2025, electronic payments will grow globally by 82%, from 1 billion to 1.8 billion, and by 61% in the following five years to reach 3 billion by 2030. In our country, currently around 47% of all retail transactions (physical plus on-line) are conducted digitally. With payment being a key moment in the consumer experience with a very significant impact on sales figures, it is essential to know how to take advantage of all the opportunities offered by new technologies and regulation.

The aim of the conference is to discuss the sector's most relevant and current issues, identify business opportunities and encourage the exchange of experiences among attendees. For this purpose, different presentations are scheduled, including very interesting topics related to the growth of on-line commerce, technological advances, social changes, the modernisation of points of sale and how these are creating new shopping trends and payment methods.


10:30h. Welcome

Ana Puente, Deputy Director General of Sustainable and Digital Finance – General Secretariat of the Treasury and International Finance

Carlos Tormone, Director of Expansión – AECOC


10.40h. Key features of future regulation and opportunities for companies

– Instant payments. Main aspects of the proposed Regulation and most relevant elements for finalising the text.

– PSD/PSR. Matters under discussion on the occasion of the Spanish presidency: fraud and exemptions.

– Digital Euro. General guidelines, themes and focus of work at national level.

Ana Puente, Deputy Director General of Sustainable and Digital Finance – General Secretariat of the Treasury and International Finance

Moderated by: Carlos Tormone, Director of Expansión – AECOC


11.10h. PSD/PSR: From regulation to innovation focused on the end-user

– Overview of the key features of the regulation and opportunities for businesses.

– Exemptions and SCA: How to establish common priorities and objectives among stakeholders and improve ratios.

– Methods to optimise the user experience and payment processing in a collaborative manner.

Constanza Margarita Méndez, Director of Business Development, Payment Systems – ABANCA

Francesca Cedrola, Head of Payment Acceptance and Experience Italy, Spain and Portugal – Amazon

Juan Guruceta, CEO & Founder – Divilo

Laura Ros, Head of On-line Fraud Prevention – Mango

Alejandro Benegas, VP & Director of Business Development – Mastercard

Moderated by: Alejandra Bernabei, CEO – Euro6000


12.00h. Pause-Coffee


12:35h. Trends, omnichannel and alternative means of payment

– Industry trends (embedded payments, wallets, super apps, BNPL...) and the evolution of fraud.

– Strategies to address omnichannel processes in on and off channels.

– Alternative means of payment (Click to pay, Scan&Pay, Pay by link, QR...) and interesting application environments.

Vicente Sánchez, Sales Administration Manager – El Corte Inglés

Carmelo Portero, Head of Financial Products and Services, Marketing and Digital Strategy Division – Ibercaja

Julián Martín Capote, Head of Partnership and Business Development, Fintech & Payments – Miravia

Gustavo Martínez, Director Strategic Initiatives for Southern Europe – VISA

Elena Cano Guerrero, New Business and Global Customer Management – Waylet (Repsol)

Moderated by: José Manuel Domínguez, Director of Card Payment Services – Cecabank


13.25h. Impact of instant payments and the digital euro on retailing

– Instant payments:

a) Impact on commerce and levels of implementation.

b) Challenges and opportunities of proximity technologies (NFC, BLE...) and the use of devices and QR codes.

– Digital Euro:

a) Myths and realities of its practical implementation.

b) Current state of play and future steps for implementation (in commerce): Technologies and use cases.

Pedro Martínez, Payments Business Development and Member of the Rulebook Development Group representing ESBG – CAIXABANK

Javier Santamaría, Chairman and member of the European Payments Council – Iberpay

Israel Rodríguez, Director of Innovation – Unicaja

Sergio Gorjón, Head of the Financial Innovation Division – Bank of Spain.

Moderated by: Nuria Mohedas, Director of Payments and Digital Banking – Cecabank


14.15h. Closing ceremony

Julio Cesar Fernández, Director of Business Development and Operations Support – Cecabank


14.20h. Closing cocktail

Shall we talk?