28 November 2024

Cecabank has gathered to 160 professionals of 35 companies in its XVII Cash Management Meeting, Risks and Reporting

The investment of impact, last advances in treasury and risk platforms, the evolution of the reporting and the macroeconomic perspectives for 2025, between the analysed principal issues

Cecabank offers solutions that they cover all needs of the activity of treasury and risks, and provides a complete coverage and integral of everything the cycle of reporting to more than fifty financial institutions and non-financial

Its deep understanding of the regulation and its consolidated position as a bank B2B contribute to its clients the over-collateralisation of compliance with standards and the best experience in implementation

MADRID, 28 NOVEMBER 2024.- The financial sector is experiencing a constant transformation that offers numerous advantages, but also entails certain risks that they have be borne for a regulatory process increasingly demanding for the companies in operational and economic terms. Thus, the financial institutions face constant requirements regulatory that in addition to a tall level of investment, impose the need of providing of flexibility, agility and specialisation. With the aim of exploring the challenges and the opportunities that faces the industry, Cecabank - bank of reference in the provision of digital banking services, platforms of cash flow management, risks and reporting– has gathered to more than 160 professionals from 35 companies in its XVII Cash Management Meeting, Risks and Reporting.

The meeting, celebrated yesterday in CaixaForum of Madrid, has had the share of speakers of first level to debate on the investment of impact, last advances in treasury and risk platforms, the evolution of the reporting, the management of the risks in the activity of treasury and the macroeconomic perspectives for 2025 throughout three round tables and two lectures. The meeting, consolidated already as a forum of reference for the industry, has been driven by Massimo Salerno, Cash Management Service director, Risks and Reporting of Cecabank.

The opening of the meeting has been in charge of Juan José Gutiérrez, corporate director of Technological Services of Cecabank, who underlined: “Cecabank is a company that emphasises for its deep understanding of the regulation and a consolidated position as a bank B2B, contributing to its clients the over-collateralisation of fulfillment and the best one expertise for the implementation of solutions” to which it added “All of this is materialised in the deposited confidence for our more than fifty clients to those which offer solutions that they cover all needs of the activity of treasury and risks, and we provide complete and all-inclusive coverage of everything the cycle of reporting”.

During the first round table, entitled “The investment of impact”, the speakers have debated on the challenges and opportunities in the transition towards a more sustainable business model. The debate, moderate by Raquel Hernández of the Financial Area of Cecabank, has had Pilar Vila's share, director of Accounts for Spain of Schroders, Natalia Luna, Senior Thematic Investment Analyst, Overall Research of Columbia Threadneedle, and Lorena García of Sustainability and Relationship with Stakeholders of Cecabank. During the speech, the experts have pondered on how combine the financial return with the generation of a positive impact and measurable, as well as on the importance of exploring new formulas that allowing the financial sector be active element in the sustainable transformation.

Below, have been put on top of the table the recent regulatory changes and its impact in the financial industry. Under the title “regulatory”Novelties, the second round table has had Carolina Garzón's moderation, director of Technological Platform of Reporting of Cecabank, and María Monfort's share, Head of Regulatory Reporting of CaixaBank, and Jon Zamacola, Sustainability Reporting Senior Manager of BBVA. The speakers shared its vision on the impact that is generated when being immersed in a regulatory environment in constant evolution and whose fulfillment is one of the imperatives more urgent, demanding to the financial institutions a high resilience skills and a fast adjustment.

Subsequently, Agustín Tejada, Head of Market & Valuation of CaixaBank, Luis Sala, Market Risk manager of ABANCA, and Jesús Contreras, Financial Risk director of Cecabank, under the moderation of Alberto Martín, Application and Market service director and Risks of Cecabank, have analysed new challenges in the risk management in the field of the treasury. During the debate, the experts shared its perspectives before the challenges that they present the next regulatory changes, especially with the arrival of the new regulations of the CRR for Counterparty risk and Market. On the other hand, has been remembered how the regulatory evolution has taken to the incorporation of mathematical models complexes and numerous detail controls, and how all of this has shocked in the skills of the analysts to innovate methodologically.

The agenda has been completed with two lectures. María of Vicente Reyes, director of applications of Front Office of Cecabank, who in its lecture “Platform of Cash Management, Risks and Reporting”, has emphasised in the skills of the platform of Cecabank, an advanced solution that unifies details and processes to maximise the operational efficiency and the control of risks, allowing to the companies reply with agility and precision to challenges of the market, strengthening the security and transparency in the financial management. Furthermore, María Jesús Fernández, Senior Economist of Funcas, has analysed the macroeconomic perspectives for 2025, explaining the forecast of the economy's operation and the reach of economic performance of Spain before an international uncertain context in which stand out the geopolitical risks.

To finish, Antonio Romero, corporate director of Associative Services and Resources of Cecabank, has closed the meeting, highlighting the importance of this forum to share knowledge, promote the collaboration and analyse the trends in the fields of treasury, risks and reporting.

Cecabank, performance benchmark in services of treasury, risks and reporting for more than 50 clients

Cecabank, partner of reference in the financial industry for its tall specialisation, emphasises for its skills to identify opportunities, implement regulations thanks to a deep understanding of the regulation and develop solutions that are anticipated to its clients' needs. Which materialises in its treasury solutions and risks and services of reporting for more than fifty clients.

Thus, via its Cash Management Platform, Risks and Reporting, the company covers all needs of the activity of treasury, giving services related to the support, maintenance and development of different applications for front and back officand, risk management, reporting, capital and management calculation of secondary, among others; in this way, its clients can centre the efforts in its Coreactivities .

Currently, the wholesale bank offers this solution SaaS to twenty-seven financial institutions, Public administrations, SGIIC and corporates. Similarly, provides to nine companies the service of management of the contracts of secondary, including all the classifications of these contracts of the financial activity (CSA, CMOF, GMRA, GMSLA and EMA).

The Platform of Cash Management, Risks and Reporting emphasises for its broad functional coverage and of product, economy of scale, escalabilidad, excellence and flexibility that is achieved thanks to the conjunction of market leader tools and developments of Cecabank. When having numerous companies' share, the platform gives economy of scale both at the level of cost and of knowledge and its escalabilidad allows to every client use the modules that needs. In addition, the solution of Cecabank contributes two differential characteristics: the excellence in all the processes and resources and the flexibility when manage the regulatory changes that are happened of constant way.

On the other hand, the company offers solutions of Reporting transactional to financial institutions, for the coverage of the EMIR regulations REFIT, UK EMIR, MiFID and SFTR. In this line, REGIS-Redrafted TEXT added to Cecabank to its collaboration programme with intermediaries leaders in the field of the reporting regulatory. Similarly, Cecabank offers a service of reporting regulatory of last mile - via its platform Pyramid - that reduces the client's regulatory costs, optimises the cycle of sending of information (XBRL) and is compatible with standards EBA. This service of reporting regulatory is used currently for more than 40 companies both in Spain and in Portugal, to carry out the reporting regulatory to Banco de España, Bank of Portugal or European Central Bank.

Shall we talk?