Integrated Securities Services

distribution platform

The Securities Distribution Platform is Cecabank's response to technological changes and operational needs of a new reality that completes the Securities Services value chain, built through an ecosystem of leading market partners to support our clients in their digital transformation processes and market activity.

In its initial deployment and in the subsequent adaptations required.
The aesthetic and commercial configuration is always that of the final trader.
It enables the marketing of assets, proprietary and third-party investment funds and pension funds.
Depending on the firm's business model, one service or the other may be used.
Adapts to suit for each customer: banks, companies and securities agencies and fund managers.
MiFID compliance
It helps banks to comply with the new MiFID / MiFIR regulatory requirements.

BPO for securities

Cecabank has specialised in the provision of services related to the outsourcing of securities service management tasks linked to brokerage and payment agent services, and which include functions resulting from the clearing, settlement and custody of securities and other related value-added services.
Securities settlement
Equities; Fixed-income; Investment funds.
Custody and Administration
Deposit and securities registration; Tax management; Transaction Reporting.
Financial transactions
National; International.
Organised markets
Options; Futures.

Equity Sales

Service for national and international institutional customers developed on the execution structure and requirements necessary to fulfil best execution deriving from MiFID II.

Brokerage of equities for institutional customers in the main global markets through operational circuits that rely on the infrastructures of global investment banks, providing the desk with the latest technology and adaptation to the requirements of MiFID II.

More than 1 million managed orders in " Execution to Custody "

Regulated Markets Derivatives Settlement

We provide your customers with access to the settlement of futures and options, offering an efficient and automated management thereof. This activity is aimed at customers that require access to these products in different currencies and in different types of underlying assets: fixed income, equity, currency, indexes and interest rates.

We are an individual clearing member of BME Clearing for the derivatives segment and we access international markets through agreements signed with global clearing houses, offering services such as the delegation of EMIR reporting, the management of execution fees and currency management.

+8.1 million

contracts settled

operational accounts

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