5 April 2017

CK-Lab is born: a hub to promote the financial sector's digital transformation

5 April 2017
  • The initiative involves creating an open innovation ecosystem that satisfies the new needs of clients
  • Banks and fintech companies will take part in this new digital forum

Cecabank has today presented CK-Lab, a new forum open to banks and fintechs. It aims to create and promote collaborative platforms related to innovation in payments and investment services, as well as in Big Data and other areas involving digital transformation. In this manner, it promotes innovation and digital transformation within the financial sector.

José María Méndez, CEO of CECA and Cecabank, has presented this new hub for innovation and digital transformation in the financial sector. It coincided with an event organised by Funcas, which featured the presentation of the Observatory of Financial Digitisation. All of these events took place today at the bank's headquarters.

Encouraging partnerships to boost financial innovation

CK-Lab was founded driven by the process of change undergone by financial institutions. This came about with the arrival of new technology-driven players, new needs of customers in an increasingly mobile environment, and new regulations, such as the second Payment Services Directive (PSD2), all of which are driving the sector towards a more open and competitive model.

In such a setting, CK-Lab seeks to develop digital ecosystems to promote better financial services for customers. To achieve this, the banking innovation hub will be inspired by the work of external collaborators, its connection to the Funcas Digital Transformation Observatory, and by the contributions brought by both banking organisations and newer players in the sector, with the aim of helping Spanish organisations lead the way in the digital transformation of financial services.

Ck-Lab has already taken its first steps with the presentation of the first API-fication platform for the Spanish banking sector within the European Savings and Retail Banking Group​ (ESBG). Over the coming months the new digital forum will start to organise workshops, events, and other activities working developing cooperation between organisations, with Cecabank bringing its broad range of experience to the table.



Shall we talk?