14 December 2016

Cecabank begins to operate on the equity market

14 December 2016

Today the Madrid Stock Exchange has registered Cecabank as a member. The provision of equity execution services will help to expand the participation of the institution in the value chain of market services and Securities Services. Thus, it strengthens its position as a wholesale bank that provides a comprehensive range of specialised services.

By the end of December the institution will be trading on its own account, and throughout the course of 2017 it will launch trading operations for third parties. Cecabank will be executing orders on the equity market, with the advantage of being a bank that already offers securities custody and settlement services.

Its goal is to become a benchmark equity house on the Spanish market, which will allow access to new customers and see the consolidation of its equities business. Cecabank's Board of Directors approved seeking equity market membership back in March this year. Since then, the company has been actively working towards the fulfilment of all the requirements necessary to get the service moving forward.

About Cecabank
Cecabank is a Spanish capital wholesale bank dedicated to providing services to all financial institutions, specialised in Securities Services, Treasury Management and Banking Services, and it bases its management philosophy on expertise, prudent management and openness to change.


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