20 September 2017

Cecabank, the best Spanish bank by BIS ratio

20 September 2017
  • The bank achieves a BIS capital ratio of 31.65% at the close of 2016.
  • The Banker magazine has acknowledged the solvency of Cecabank in its ‘Top 25 disclosed BIS ratio' world ranking

The specialised British publication, The Banker has included Cecabank in the Top 25 banks with the best BIS capital ratio in the world.

The prestigious financial publication of the Financial Times Group publishes its ‘Top 1000 World Bank’ ranking annually. This classification is an international benchmark in the sector. It acknowledges the solidity and solvency of various institutions by using the tier 1 capital ratio as the main criterion.

Cecabank's high solvency levels have not only guaranteed its stay in the general ranking. They also mean that the company is the only Spanish financial group among the world's 25 best banks in terms of BIS capital ratio, which stood at 31.65% in December 2016.

High solvency: one of Cecabank's strategic objectives

Maintaining a high level of solvency is one of Cecabank's strategic targets. Its speciality in Securities Services requires these levels to maintain the trust of its customers: management companies and financial institutions. These ratios mean that Cecabank is currently the leading Spanish institution in depositary services, with 104 billion euros in deposited assets and 130 billion euros in assets held.

Cecabank began its journey on the market almost five years ago specialising its product offer in securities services, treasury management, and other wholesale banking services. After addressing a demanding strategic plan over the last four years, it has improved its rating (currently BBB from Standard & Poor´s) and strengthened its solvency level. This progress was made possible thanks to the wisdom in the investments made and the extension of its client base. This journey was reflected in the results (profits have risen from 35 million euros in 2013 to 76 million euros in 2016). In short, Cecabank has consolidated its business model, maintaining its potential for growth in the B2B financial business.


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