A vision of the future

for the new challenges
faced by post-trading

Reina Sofía Museum Auditorium, Madrid | 9 February 2023

Dear friends,

The year 2022 has been characterised by the uncertainty and volatility in the behaviour of economic and financial markets. The feeling is that the global economy appears to be absorbing better than expected the effects of supply shocks, rising geopolitical risk and interest rate hikes, as well as high inflation and the rising cost of living.

In the field of Securities Services, 2022 was an important year for Cecabank. Ten years have passed since the bank commenced operations in 2012. It is currently the leading depositary services provider for collective investment institutions and pension funds in Spain, holding €202,000 million of assets under deposit from almost 50 fund managers, with more than €275,000 million in securities under custody and a solvency ratio of 30.1%, more than double that of a conventional bank (ratio as at December 2021). These figures reflect the growth of the bank over the past ten years, the result of its high level of specialisation and the ongoing adoption of innovation and digitalisation processes.

For the past 9 years, Cecabank has been bringing together industry professionals from banks, fund managers, supervisors and regulators, and technology companies, to reflect and debate on the operational, technological, digital, regulatory and sustainability changes that are continually taking place and directly impacting this business.

To ensure the continued success of this initiative, I would be delighted if you could make time in your schedules to participate in our 9th Securities Services Conference which, entitled “A vision of the future for the new challenges faced by post-trading”, will be held on Thursday 9 February 2023, in the Auditorium of the Reina Sofía Museum.

The last edition attracted more than 380 participants from more than 160 institutions, and I am convinced that this year's content will once again be of great interest.

We look forward to seeing you,


Aurora Cuadros Sánchez
Corporate Director
Securities Services Division of Cecabank

About the conference

On Thursday 9 February, in an in-person format, Cecabank will hold a new edition of the Securities Services Conference under the title "A vision of the future for the new challenges faced by post-trading". In this ninth edition we will focus on current issues. A conference where banks, fund managers, supervisors and regulators, and technology companies will come together to reflect and debate on the operational, technological, digital and regulatory changes that are continually taking place and directly impacting this business. In addition, there will be specific blocks dedicated to the evolution of digital assets and developments in the securities market.

This new edition of the conference will be officially opened by Salvador Arancibia, Deputy Director of Expansión, Montserrat Martínez Parera, Deputy Chairwoman of the CNMV, and Santiago Carbó, independent director of Cecabank and Director of Financial Studies at FUNCAS. José María Méndez, CEO of Cecabank, will be responsible for closing the conference. In addition, representatives from Fireblocks, Finreg 360, CaixaBank, ECB, Iberclear, CNMV, Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, the Treasury and Cecabank will attend the conference.

The event is intended for executives, managing directors, operations directors, regulatory compliance officers, legal officers, internal monitoring managers, accounting managers, and staff involved in operational and monitoring divisions of CII fund managers, pension fund managers and managers of voluntary contribution pension schemes, insurance companies, closed-ended collective investment fund management companies (venture capital), venture capital firms, securities firms and agencies, financial depositary institutions, and financial institutions that offer securities services to their customers and to financial advisory firms.

About Cecabank Securities Services

Last November marked the tenth anniversary of the commencement of Cecabank's operations. Today, the bank is a benchmark in Securities Services in Spain and Portugal and a leading provider of financial, payment and technology services. Cecabank is the leading independent depositary in Spain for collective investment institutions, pension funds, voluntary contribution pension schemes and venture capital firms, holding in excess of €202,000 million of assets under deposit, and is also the leading national provider of settlement and custody services (more than €275,000 million under custody). It actively collaborates with management companies in regulatory, operational and business matters, guaranteeing non-competition with their customers.

Cecabank's robust growth over the past decade has been possible thanks to the bank's high degree of specialisation, the constant inclusion of innovation and digitalisation processes in the business, and the generation of value for customers and society. Supporting customers in their projects to achieve their business objectives is a central part of Cecabank's strategy, guaranteeing their level of satisfaction and quality.

Cecabank is a wholesale bank that offers Securities Services, Treasury Management, Payment and Technological Platform services to financial institutions and major corporations. It offers innovative, tailored financial proposals for customers, guiding them through their projects to reach their business objectives.

Depositary (December 2022)
  • Equity under deposit€202,000 million
  • Distributed among1,053 CII+Pension Funds+Venture Capital Firms+Voluntary Contribution Pension Schemes
  • Managed by49 fund managers
Securities' custody and settlement (December 2022)
  • Assets under custody€275,376 million
  • Transactions cleared1,513,655
  •   862,383 international
  •   651,272 nationals







9.30 h

Salvador Arancibia, Deputy Director, Expansión

Santiago Carbó, independent director, Cecabank, and Director of Financial Studies and Executive Director of the Financial Digitalisation Observatory, Funcas

Montserrat Martínez, Deputy Chairwoman, CNMV

Francisco del Olmo, Deputy Director in charge of Fintech and Cybersecurity, CNMV

Ana Santillán, Head of Sales Switzerland, Spain, Italy and Portugal, Fireblocks

Gloria Hernández, Partner, Finreg 360

Diego Villafranñez, consultant to the Technical Cabinet of the General Secretariat of the Treasury and International Finance, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation


Aurora Cuadros, Corporate Director, Securities Services Division, Cecabank

11.30 h

Miguel Tahoces, Senior Market Infrastructure Expert, ECB


Óscar Mateos, Director of Business Development and Customer Support, Securities Services Division, Cecabank

Valentín Cerdán, Markets and Special Operations Manager, CaixaBank

Jesús Benito, CEO, Iberclear, BME

Javier Ruiz del Pozo, Director/Department of Secondary Markets, Directorate General of Markets, CNMV


Virginia Linares, Director of Coordination and Control, Securities Services Division, Cecabank

Manuel Ángel Álvarez, consultant to the Office of the Minister for Inclusion, Social Security and Migration


José Carlos Sánchez-Vizcaíno, Director of Depositary Supervision, Securities Services Division, Cecabank

José María Méndez, CEO, Cecabank

14.15 h
End of the conference


Montserrat Martínez Parera

Montserrat Martínez Parera

Deputy Chairwoman, CNMV

Santiago Carbó

Santiago Carbó

Independent Director, Cecabank
Director of Financial Studies and Executive Director of the Financial Digitalisation Observatory, Funcas

Salvador Arancibia

Salvador Arancibia

Deputy Director, Expansión

José María Méndez

José María Méndez

CEO, Cecabank

Aurora Cuadros

Aurora Cuadros

Corporate Director, Securities Services Division, Cecabank

Manuel Ángel Álvarez

Manuel Ángel Álvarez

Consultant to the Office of the Minister for Inclusion, Social Security and Migration

Francisco del Olmo

Francisco del Olmo

Deputy Director in charge of Fintech and Cybersecurity, CNMV

Ana Santillán

Ana Santillán

Head of Sales Switzerland, Spain, Italy and Portugal, Fireblocks

Gloria Hernández

Gloria Hernández

Partner, Finreg 360

Diego Villafáñez

Diego Villafáñez

Consultant to the Technical Cabinet of the General Secretariat of the Treasury and International Finance, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation

Miguel Tahoces

Miguel Tahoces

Senior Market Infrastructure Expert, ECB

Óscar Mateos

Óscar Mateos

Director of Business Development and Customer Support, Securities Services Division, Cecabank

Valentín Cerdán

Valentín Cerdán

Markets and Special Operations Manager, CaixaBank

Jesús Benito

Jesús Benito

CEO, Iberclear, BME

Javier Ruiz del Pozo

Javier Ruiz del Pozo

Director/Department of Secondary Markets, Directorate General of Markets, CNMV

Virginia Linares

Virginia Linares

Director of Coordination and Control, Securities Services Division, Cecabank

José Carlos Sánchez-Vizcaíno

José Carlos Sánchez-Vizcaíno

Director of Depositary Supervision, Securities Services Division, Cecabank




Post-contracting faces technological, operational and regulatory challenges

February 2023 | Expansión

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Montserrat Martínez-Parera (CNMV): "With blockchain technology we can turn real financial instruments into digital assets".

February 2023 | FundsPeople

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What new features will MiCA bring? The role of blockchain in the finance industry

February 2023 | FundsPeople

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Cecabank addresses the challenges and trends in the post-trading sector and the evolution of digital assets

February 2023 | Cecabank

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The highlights

Full event

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To confirm your attendance at the event (limited capacity; booking in order of registration), please write to:


Reina Sofía Museum Auditorium
Ronda de Atocha, 2
28012 Madrid


    C/ Alcalá, 27. 28014 Madrid
    91 596 58 61
    91 596 50 00
About Cecabank

Cecabank is the leading custodian bank in Securities Services in Spain and Portugal and a provider of specialised solutions in Payments and Treasury Management. Its differential position is based on its independence, given that the bank does not belong to a retail banking group, and its neutrality, in that it is focused on the custody and depositary business without providing asset management services.

The main premise of Cecabank is its commitment to excellence and quality of service, as acknowledged once again for the sixth consecutive year by Global Banking & Finance Review, having honoured it with the award for Best Custodian Bank 2022 Spain. In addition, one characteristic that identifies Cecabank is its high level of solvency. Its speciality in Securities Services requires these levels to maintain the trust of its customers: management companies and financial institutions.

Best Custodian Bank in Spain 2022

Global Banking & Finance Review