14 June 2024

Cecabank, better bank guard of Spain in 2024

Its specialisation high degree in Securities Services and its high solvency have been some major reasons

The bank guard continues consolidating as a leader in Securities Services for the Iberian market

For the eighth consecutive year, the company has received the awarded recognition for Overall Banking and Finance Review

Cecabank is the guard reference bank in Securities Services in Spain and Portugal that provides services of post-contracting of securities and financial instruments. Cecabank offers the services of depositary, record-custody, compensation and settlement to banks, managers, insurance companies and to the rest of subjects of the market. Its regulatory deep understanding and its tall specialisation operations him confer a remarkable position as an essential infrastructure of the financial system.

Cecabank maintains its leadership in Securities Services for the Iberian market. A volume of low assets custody of more than 325,018 million euros and more than 237,890 million euros in deposited assets to May 2024, him consolidate as the great national depositary independent and the national services leading provider of settlement and custody. The company collaborates actively with the management companies of CII and pension funds, banks, savings banks and caja rurales, investment services insurance companies and companies in regulatory aspects, operations and of business, contributing the guarantee of not responsibility with its clients. Similarly, Cecabank possesses a strong solvency, required by its speciality in Securities Services. At the close of 2023, its ratio CET1 was placed at 35.32%, considerably higher than the legal requirements and some of the higher of the Spanish banking system.

In José María's words Méndez, chief executive officer of Cecabank: “Cecabank is a company resiliente and with a strong commitment with its clients” to which it has added “Offer custom-made solutions responding to the unceasing regulation and to its optimisation needs of operational procedures. We contribute so much leadership in the regulatory adjustments and innovation in the definition of new services related to strategic fields, as they can be currently the digital”assets.

Therefore, Overall Banking and Finance Review has re-elected to Cecabank as better bank guard of Spain for the eighth consecutive year. This distinction, that possesses a major recognition within the international financial sector, reflects the leadership of the company in the industry of the post-trading, as well as the deposited confidence for its clients in the activities of depositary of saving and investment vehicles and securities settlement and custody.

Cecabank, specialised and proactive partner in the field cripto

Cecabank continues adapting its solution offer and services to respond to its clients' needs. A flexibility needed within an industry that evolves continuously and in which are illustrated factors, such as the reply to the regulatory tsunami, the huge investments in technology, the importance of the specialisation, the acquisition of more efficiency, the offer of new services and the need of acquiring greater capacities. For this reason, is done increasingly necessary to the clients the support of a reliable member, as Cecabank, that it covers collateralised all its requirements.

The figure of the guard bank in recent years has evolved, happening of practicing exclusively a function of custody and depositary to acquire nowadays a very relevant role in the protection of the investor - when guaranteeing the security and entirety of the financial assets and give confidence to the investment funds - and practicing of fundamental member for the managers in the development of its activity. In this context and between the more than 100 clients of Securities Services, Cecabank provides service to more than 45 national and international managers and to its more than 1,000 vehicles of investment that they continue suing support and new products, but also a highest level of sophistication, flexibility and dynamism.

In this line, the bank acts in a proactive way, contributing security, confidence, experience and deep understanding, and evolves with new trends, including especially the initiatives related to digital assets. The coming into force of the regulations MiCA in December 2024 is marking the road map of the financial industry in multitude of aspects and it will have significant effects in the criptomercado European. Thus, Cecabank explores first-hand the figure of guard within this new ecosystem, something that considers crucial just as the traditional custody. With the aim of accompanying to its clients there where they are its business needs in the field of the securities token and get ready before the arrival of the regulation, Cecabank is building a network of cooperation alliances with the best partners of reference, as Fireblocks or Bit2Me, and it is participating in projects thanks to supervisors and regulators.

Shall we talk?