12 September 2017

Cecabank promotes sustainable development goals among its employees with the campaign #COMPANIES4SDGs

12 September 2017
  • The initiative is giving companies and professionals knowledge, awareness, and guidelines for actions they can take in order to meet the Sustainable Development Goals
  • Companies4SDGs was presented this morning at Cecabank headquarters, and has support from another 20 Spanish companies

The Spanish Network of the United Nations Global Compact, Volunteering and Strategy has presented a new initiative this morning. It is aimed at raising awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and promoting their application in the business world. #COMPANIES4SDGs is a global campaign aiming to bring the 2030 Agenda closer to companies and their employees. The initiative was announced today at an event held at Cecabank's offices.

Supported by IMPACT 2030 – the private sector association that, in collaboration with the United Nations, is organising corporate voluntary work to achieve the SDGs – the proposal is looking to companies' internal communications channels to support the cause. All of this is to ensure that their staff will take on sustainable habits and get involved in corporate volunteering activities.

SDG Action Plan

A plan of action has been drawn up to be rolled out over the course of a year: each month will focus on one or two of the 17 SDGs. Thus, a communication kit has been created that will be distributed to all the member companies.It also proposes the use of tools such as posts focused on today's reality and SDG targets. They also feature recommendations for companies and audiovisual material. In addition, every month will see challenges, healthy habits, and suggestions proposed by volunteers on how they can be applied in the workplace.

As well as having an impact internally on each company, the initiative is also part of a global effort. The achievements of these will be reported at the UN's IMPACT 2030 Summit, to be held in New York in September 2018.

So far, 22 companies that have confirmed that they will participate in the campaign. Three of which are part of IMPACT 2030: Iberdrola, Fundación Telefónica, and Fundación Bancaria "La Caixa" (La Caixa Banking Foundation). The others are Abanca Obra Social, Abertis, Atresmedia, AXA, Calidad Pascual, Campofrío, CEBEK, Cecabank, Corresponsables, Enagás, Europamundo, Grupo Cooperativo Cajamar, Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, Red Eléctrica de España, Samsung, Schindler, Servicio Móvil, Suez, and Vodafone Spain. However, the entry period remains open. Companies wishing to join can do so through the project's website: companies4sdgs.org.

Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030

The SDGs, the backbone of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, are a worldwide appeal to adopt measures to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure peace and prosperity for all. They were approved on 25 September 2015 by a total of 193 countries.

There are 17 goals related to different spheres of activity. The goals are collaborative and pragmatic in spirit, looking at choosing the best options we can to ensure a better quality of life for future generations, in a sustainable way. They provide clear guidelines and goals to be adopted by all countries and agents, in line with their own priorities and the environmental challenges faced by the world. It is thus an inclusive agenda that addresses the root causes of poverty and integrates different social stakeholders.The aim is to bring about positive change for the benefit of people and the planet.

Mónica Malo, Head of Communications and External Relations at Cecabank, talked about this initiative. “By joining this initiative we hope to circulate the sustainable development goals among employees. And strengthen Cecabank's commitment by creating lasting relationships with our stakeholders.”


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