23 January 2023

Cecabank renews the AENOR certification of its Fund Depositary and Securities' Custody and Settlement Services

  • This recognition, which the bank has received since 2005, underlines Cecabank's commitment to quality and its ability to evolve in the management of its operational services
  • It also confirms Cecabank's leadership in Securities Services, with equity under deposit as at 30 November 2022 totalling €206,862 million

MADRID, 23 JANUARY 2023. Cecabank, the Spanish wholesale bank that offers specialised services in securities, treasury & global markets and payments, has renewed the AENOR certification of the Fund Depositary and Securities' Custody and Settlement Services management system.

This recognition underlines once again Cecabank's commitment to high levels of quality and its ability to evolve in the management of its operational services, and is an endorsement of the bank's leadership in the Securities Services business, having shown in-depth knowledge and a high degree of specialisation.

The certification proves the bank's compliance with the requirements established by our customers and other interested stakeholders and the proper functioning of our management system, which is committed to efficiency, quality and continuous improvement in order to attain excellence in customer service.

In this respect, it recognises the project management methodology of the bank's operational services, which is enabling, on the one hand, a high level of success in the implementation of new projects for customers and, on the other hand, ensuring strict compliance with planning.

The excellent ratings obtained in the customer satisfaction surveys are also noteworthy, as is the sound analysis carried out by the bank of the feedback collected, with a view to setting targets for improvement.

Cecabank has renewed its AENOR certification until 2026, a recognition it has received for the Fund Depositary and Securities' Custody and Settlement Services management system since 2005, having been audited a total of 19 times and adapting to the successive revisions of the standard and the transformation of the bank during this period. AENOR awards Cecabank this certification in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 standard.

The certificate was received by Aurora Cuadros, Corporate Director of the Securities Services Division of Cecabank, from Enrique Megía, Director of AENOR, at its Madrid headquarters.

For Aurora Cuadros, "it is an honour to receive this recognition once again, which reaffirms our commitment to excellence and continuous improvement in all areas of activity, and in particular in the management of operational services to ensure maximum compliance with procedures, quality and satisfaction levels. All of this under the premise of continuing to create value in the Fund Depositary and Securities' Custody and Settlement businesses and to continue to enjoy the trust of customers".

For his part, Enrique Megía asserts that "the ISO 9001 certificate is an effective tool that contributes to improving efficiency in business management and to generating confidence among all economic stakeholders".

Leadership of Cecabank in Securities Services

The AENOR certificate not only represents recognition of the maturity and adaptability of Cecabank's operational services management. It is also an endorsement of the bank's leadership in the Securities Services business.This leading position is based on in-depth knowledge and expertise in custody and depositary services.

Cecabank has equity under deposit as at 30 November 2022 totalling €206,862 million. This figure represents a growth of 35% compared to the volume reached in December 2020.


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