10 July 2014

An agreement was signed this morning between the Fundación Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (FUAM) (Madrid Autonomous University Foundation) and Cecabank. It aims to kick start an R&D&I project entitled “e-BioFirma: Biometric Algorithm Project to Improve Digitised Signature Comparison". It will bring the latest advances in biometric signature recognition research into the real world of business.
Firstly, the project is framed within Cecabank's activities on the constant updating of technology. Specifically in the incorporation of latest-generation biometric signature recognition technologies in its digitised signature processing systems (digitised signature system, SFD). With more than six years of experience and more than 500 million signed documents, it is a pioneering system in Spain for the actual implementation of biometric solutions.
Secondly, the project benefits from the wealth of experience the Biometric Recognition Group – ATVS has in this area. It will be directed by Professor Javier Ortega García from the Escuela Politécnica Superior (Higher Polytechnic School) of Madrid Autonomous University, with input from technology-driven company Innoware. They will take on board specific tasks relating to the design, capture, and management of biometric data.
Biometric digital signature recognition solutions:
In this way, the e-BioFirma project will consist of developing and improving biometric signature recognition systems. Two solutions will be developed:
First, an advanced system allowing insight into similarities between biometric signatures. Those captured on digital tablets for forensic and law enforcement purposes.
Secondly, an innovative recognition application. It will allow biometric signatures to be compared in real time in bank branches.
The SFD is the result of a cooperation project that was launched back in 2008. It came about from a delegate commission of the CECA Board made up of specialists in organisation, systems, and processes in the financial sector. The goal is a paperless environment, substituting handwritten signatures on physical documents with electronic documents It will also lead to significant cost savings and, above all, the streamlining of processes. The role technology plays in this is key. It will facilitate the automation of the biometric handwritten signature comparison process. This will bring benefits and labour savings to bank branches. It will also be possible to use it in a legal or forensic setting, if necessary.
The project currently marks the beginning of a long-term relationship between the UAM and Cecabank. It will mean that the latest advances in research can be continuously incorporated into processes relating to the financial institutions' relationship with their customers.
About Cecabank
Cecabank is a wholesale bank providing banking business process financial and support services to the whole of the financial market. it focuses on three strategic business lines: Treasury Management, Securities Services and Banking Services. It has high levels of solvency and a solid technological infrastructure.
For further information, view www.cecabank-new.quelinka.es
About the Foundation of the Autonomous University of Madrid
The Autonomous University of Madrid Foundation (FUAM) is a non-profit institution. Its fundamental mission is to bridge the gap between the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) and society. Its main objective is to promote knowledge transfer from the University to society as a whole through teaching and research. promoting research, the dissemination of culture, and support to the university community. It also contributes to training in values of solidarity, tolerance, coexistence, freedom, and justice.
For further information
Fundación Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Communications and Institutional Relations Department
Marta Fernández-Caparrós
+34 91 497 52 72
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