5 December 2024

I Financial Regulation Meeting & Presentation Consultation Document of FinTech 2.0


Cecabank supports the I Meeting on financial regulation organised by the AEFI, that it will take place on 12 December in the Space Bertelsmann of Madrid. The event will be inaugurated with the presentation of the Consultation Document of FinTech 2.0 and it will have Juan José Gutiérrez's share, corporate director of Technological Services of the company.

The Consultation Document of FinTech 2.0. it is the most updated document and of reference of the financial industry on the ecosystem FinTech. It is a relevant document, significant and transcendent for everyone actors of the sector, both public and private and so much for big corporations as for incipient startups.

It is a project of the Spanish Association of FinTech and InsurTech (AEFI) that resumes and updates the analysis of the ecosystem FinTech in Spain, initiated with the first Consultation Document of FinTech in 2017. The document assesses the current situation of the financial sector Spanish, emphasising the low evolution and improvements the regulatory framework.

The irruption of the FinTech began after the financial crisis of 2008 and although in a beginning these companies were seen such as competitors of the banking, in the course of time it has been demonstrated that the collaborations between both sectors have resulted beneficial. The FinTech have given to the fast banking solutions and specialised, whereas the users have accessed better services, such as products of investment, lither and comparative consumer credits of financial services.

The regulation, so much in the national domain as European, has brought new regulations that they have transformed significantly the financial industry. In conclusion, the emergence of the FinTech, boosted by a global crisis and the technological acceleration, has shocked to citizens and companies equally.

And all these topics will be analysed and remarked by specialists of the sector, from the government institutions until legal experts.


09:00h Record and coffee of welcome

09:30h Bienvenida

– Arturo González Mac Dowell | Chairman of the AEFI

09:35h Lecture of opening

– Carla Díaz Álvarez of Toledo | Managing Director of the Treasure and Financial Policy

10:00h Presentation of the Consultation Document of FinTech 2.0. of the AEFI

– Board Of directors of the AEFI

10:45h The collaboration and cooperation of the financialindustry

– Juan José Gutiérrez | corporate Director of technological services of Cecabank

– Alberto López | VP of cybersecurity of MasterCard

– Silvia Escámez | Deputy chairman of the AEFI

– Rodrigo García de la Cruz | Deputy chairman of the AEFI

Moderator: Rodrigo Prieto, Communication Account Director Financial in Evercom

11:30h Pause Coffee

12:00h The challenges and the most up-to-date barriers of the ecosystem FinTech in Spain and in Europe: the collaboration as a solution

– Xavier Foz | Member of Crack Junyent

– Gonzalo Navarro | financial regulatory Director of Ontier

– Jaime Bofill | Member in Herbert Smith Freehills

– Gloria Hernández | Member of finReg360

– Ángela Aso | Member of the Board Of Directors of the AEFI

Moderator: Felipe Cavero, general secretary for the AEFI

12:45h Regulation and financial monitoring: current situation of the sectors FinTech and expectations

– Ana Puente | Deputy director of digital and sustainable finances of Treasure

– José Manuel Marqués| financial innovation Director, payments and market infrastructures in Banco de España

– Francisco of the Elm | Deputy director of FinTech and Cybersecurity of the CNMV

– Alfonso Ayuso | Member of the Board Of Directors of the AEFI

ModeratorAngel Gallego, Executive Associate | Public Policy & Regulatory Affairs in Kreab

13:30h Pica&Pica + Networking


Shall we talk?