Corporate information Back Claim/complaint form Name *: Surnames *: Email *: Telephone *: Fact claimed/reported *: Date *: Please provide a description of all the details to assist in the analysis and assessment of the claim/complaint *: People involved *: Is anyone in the company aware of this issue? Yes No Dk/Da Insert names: Has this incident occurred before?: Yes No Dk/Da Please provide documentary evidence: Does this incident affect customers?: Yes No Dk/Da Please give details on how customers are affected: Do the facts as claimed/reported have an economic impact? Approximate amount in euros: In compliance with our duty of information in accordance with the provisions of personal data protection legislation, we inform you that Cecabank, S.A., with registered office at Calle Alcalá nº. 27, 5ª planta, MADRID (28014), is responsible for the processing associated to the bank's complaints channel. The purpose of the processing and its legal basis is to comply with the legal obligations set forth in Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons reporting breaches of Union law, among other rules. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, suppression, limitation, opposition or portability to the Data Protection Officer (DPO), who is the company's Regulatory Compliance Officer. You may contact them directly via the email address: or via the postal address mentioned above. The contact telephone number for these purposes is 915965000. Where you have not satisfactorily exercised your rights, you may also lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency. In no case will the data be disclosed to third parties except for legal obligation and we will retain the data for the necessary time until the prescription of legal actions. Why choose Cecabank? Find out more