10 November 2023

Industry leaders endorse the "2024 Fund Managers' Guide" published by the magazine Inversion


Spain's most important fund managers are celebrating the 18th edition of the legendary "Fund Managers' Guide", which the magazine Inversión publishes every year as an essential tool for professionals, investors and savers

The 'Fund Managers' Guide' published by the magazine Inversión brought together the crème de la crème of the sector to celebrate its 18th edition. In other words, its symbolic coming of age. And it is symbolic because its true coming of age, the one that measures its influence and maturity as a product, was surpassed years ago.

The decade-long unwavering support of the financial industry towards this supplement published by the magazine Inversión and the number of copies that have emerged since its launch 18 years ago are some of the factual elements underpinning this assertion.

As is the list of leading fund managers who attended the presentation of the new edition.

The "birthday party", co-hosted by Cecabank, brought together, just to name a few top professionals, Celia González (M&G), Pablo Moreno (Abrdn), Bruno Patain (Eurizon), Mirella Santos (Blackrock), Domingo Barroso (Fidelity), Luis Miguel Rodríguez (Mutua) and Pilar Vila (Schroders), among other guests.

The room with its New York ambience that the magazine Inversión chose to present this year's guide was packed with billions of euros under management.

The director of the magazine Inversión, Alejandro Ramírez, assured the guests that the key to the success of the product, to its unbeatable leadership despite the strong competition, "is the rigour and journalistic quality of the guide", with more than 200 references.

"It was always clear to us that this product should be governed by the same elements of fairness and quality that emanate from the magazine Inversión", he said.

The "Fund Managers' Guide" by Inversión magazine is the most comprehensive guide published in Spain.

It is the perfect tool for professionals in the financial sector and for all those who invest in investment funds or intend to do so.

The fund management industry, with two hundred registered fund managers in Spain, needs a compass like this one to be able to navigate it successfully.

Not surprisingly, this is a sector that moves €336,000 million in Spain, according to the latest figures from the sector's association, Inverco, as of August 2023.

And which, moreover, continues to grow at an annual rate of 10 per cent.

Shall we talk?