21 September 2023

Presentation of the report «Present and future of the payments account to account»

The Spanish Fintech and Insurtech Association (AEFI), Cecabank and Monitor Deloitte have jointly prepared the report 'Present and future of account-to-account payments'.

We are facing a time of maximum uncertainty in the world of payment services, in which both traditional operators and new entrants, providers and users, must constantly monitor the evolution of the main variables in order to take advantage of opportunities or mitigate the risks that may##44441## ##44441##arise in the future.

In this regard, as analysed in our report, A2A instant transfers represent one of the most innovative payment solutions with the greatest potential for adoption in Europe.

The report will be presented on 26 September 2023 at our head offices in Caballero de Gracia, No. 28 (Madrid) from 10 a.m. to 12 noon.




Fernando Conlledo, General Secretary of Cecabank

Panel. Present and future of account-to-account payments

Carolina Brena, Senior Manager at Deloitte

Arturo González, Chairman of AEFI

Juan José Gutiérrez, Corporate Director of Technology Services at Cecabank

Gorka Briones, Partner at Monitor Deloitte. Head of Payments

Closing ceremony

Julio César Fernández Ramos, Director of Business Development and Operations Support at Cecabank


Download the REPORT at the following link



Shall we talk?