Financial markets

In our Trading Room we carry out operations on the main national and international bond (public and private), currency, equity and derivatives markets. Operations are always carried out according to our guidelines which guarantee a high degree of both liquidity and solvency.


FX #3 of Spain
in volume of contracts
Electronic contracting platform of FX
developed in-house
SICE +25,000 operations
contracted per year
+30 currencies
Coverage of financial guarantees
with settlement in EUR

Money Market. Securities Financing Transactions

Security Lending Repo
To managers for the launch of new issuances funds
retained long-term (optimisation of ratios)
Of portfolios of issuance
Coverage of settlements failures

Market maker

Public debt market maker of the Spanish Treasury, participating actively in the auctions and syndicated, and providing the liquidity of the secondary market.

Market maker of the European Union in the programme Next Generation EU.

Direct member of the main Central Counterparties for the sector of repo (Meffrepo, LCH Paris and Eurex).

Market maker in futures in organised markets (BME) of the product XRolling FX.

+80% allocated
in syndicated issuances of the Spanish Treasury
Co-lead #1
Cecabank is part of the network of companies that they collaborate in the bond issues and bills of the great debt programme in history of the EU. In 2023, the company has participated in ten syndicated issuances of the Next Generation EU, in ventidós ordinary issuances of bills and eleven ordinary auctions of bonds.

As a market maker of public debt of the Spanish Treasury, Cecabank participates actively in the auctions and the syndicated, providing the liquidity of the secondary market. In 2023, the company has participated in four syndicated issuances of the Spanish Treasury.
In the field of the transition T2-T2S, Cecabank represents to set of companies in its obligation of complying with the minimum reserve ratio demandables by the Banco de España. Additionally, has added the co-management of the ACM (Main Cash Account) and gives access to the depositary facility.

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