Corporate Governance 00 Governing Bodies | Board of Directors|
Steering Committee |01 Code of Conduct
Governing Bodies
Board of Directors
responsible for the management
and representation of Cecabank.
It is therefore the institution’s
governing and management body,
and represents it in all matters
concerning its ordinary business
and in any litigation, with the
powers expressly vested in it by
the Articles of Association.
General Assembly
the powers vested in it by the
Articles of Association, including
the appointment and dismissal
of directors, the approval of
the Annual Accounts, and the
distribution of earning.
> More information on the Corporate governance chapter can be found in Cecabank governance structure and practices 2014.More information about Cecabank’s corporate governance
can be found at
www.cecabank.es Annual Report 2014Board of Directors
Management and representation of Cecabank
Audit committee
Overseeing the effectiveness of the company’s internal control, internal
auditing, where applicable, and its risk management systems.
Appointments and Remuneration Committee
Supervising and reporting on the policy for the allowances,
remuneration and incentives paid to directors and employees of the
institution, and ensuring compliance with the requirements established
in the Articles of Association for the exercise of the offices of member of
the Board, of the Committees, and of Chief Executive.
Risk and Solvency Committee
Periodically ascertaining and analysing the institution’s position as
regards risks, solvency and liquidity, and report to the Board of Directors
on regulatory developments on the subject.