Our brand speaks for us, projecting our identity to society,
together with our values and character as a banking institution.
Cecabank was created as a brand
with a vocation for growth and
international scope, backed by the
experience and professionalism
of a solid heritage that made it a
strong and committed brand right
from the outset.
Cecabank has been able to evolve
and grow with no loss of integrity
or prudence thanks to its team’s
commitment and expertise. With a
creative spirit that always makes
the effort to go the extra mile.
At Cecabank we plan to grow
together. Contributing strategic
value. Always building alternatives
for the future.
That is what defines our brand,
and its strategy covers everything
that defines us, helps us express
where we are headed, makes us
different, and shapes our conduct.
The Cecabank brand
00 Key data|
01 Letter from the President|
02 Interview with the CEO|
03 About Cecabank | Mission|
Cecabank’s Presence| Shareholder structure
| Cecabank’s business | 04 Corporate culture
Vision and values|
Cecabank’s team|
The Cecabank brand | Interview with Ana María Raposo Ferreira Our Identity Annual Report 2014