Code of conduct
Cecabank has a Code of Ethics
that sets out the commitment of
all the institution’s professional
staff to the highest standards of
integrity and professional ethics.
All members of the governing
bodies and employees therefore
agree to a series of principles and
rules of conduct to guide them in
the performance of their duties.
Some staff are also subject to
specific codes of code
of conduct relating to the scope
of their duties, such as the
Internal Rules of Conduct in the
securities market or anti-money
laundering rules.
At Cecabank we believe it is essential to ensure
that our conduct lives up to our values.
Ethics Channel
Cecabank’s Code of Ethics
The institution has an Ethics Channel which came into full operation in
2014. The Channel puts employees at the centre of compliance with the
Code of Ethics. They can do this via two routes:
Inquiring about the interpretation
of the code, asking questions about
its practical implementation
Breaches of the code
Asking questions
Corporate Governance 00 Governing Bodies|
Board of Directors| Steering Committee | 01 Code of Conduct Annual Report 2014