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What competitive advantages

does the operations service

provided by Cecabank offer?

Cecabank, as a bank focused on

providing services to other

banks and financial institutions,

occupies a privileged position from

which to deliver services relating

to any institution’s operations

area, given that these services

require rigour, specialist

knowledge, and dedication.

Cecabank contributes these

values and this is reflected by

our advantageous position in

representation services in cash

clearing houses and in securities

custody and depositary for

collective investment undertakings

(CIIs) and pension funds (PFs).

What is the volume of CII and PF

assets deposited with Cecabank?

What institutions entrust their

depositary function to Cecabank?

Cecabank ended the 2014

business year with over 64 billion

euros deposited in investment

funds, SICAVs and pension funds.

The reform of the securities

clearing, settlement and

registration system will mean

that many institutions that had

internal settlement and custody

systems will need to entrust

this activity to partners such as

Cecabank, in view of the increased

costs of not doing so, and the

impossibility of providing an

adequate service unless handling

significant volumes.

In recent years Cecabank has

acquired various businesses

relating to securities deposit and

custody. Does Cecabank plan to

continue this activity in 2015?

Cecabank, as Spain’s top

independent depositary, aims

to continue its growth based on

various strategies, which we apply

according to parameters such as

volume, business plans, installed

capacities, etc.

We do not rule out any

options a priori, but all our actions

in this respect are based on

our values: the art of prudence,

rigorous knowledge, and openness

to change.

Cecabank works with over

15 investment fund and pension

managers, including InverCaixa,

VidaCaixa, Ibercaja Gestión, Ibercaja

Pensiones, Banco Madrid Gestión,

AVIVA, CASER, Ahorro Corporación

Gestión, CNP, and Abante.

What are Cecabank’s business

volume targets for 2015?

In 2015 we expect to grow in

terms of assets deposited to reach

75 billion euros, increase the

number of institutions to which we

provide custody and depositary

services, and maintain our position

regarding the representation

services we provide, both vis-à-

vis Iberpay and other European

clearing houses.

What is Cecabank’s position

with regard to the regulatory

challenges in the operating


The regulatory changes taking

place and their current trend

confirm Cecabank’s strategic

commitment, as it is this

regulatory situation that means

that the services we provide have

to be implemented by institutions

with broad specialisation that can

obtain economies of scale.

Increasing demands on

depositaries in UCITS, the EU

Regulation on alternative funds,

and the new Regulations on

CIIs and pension funds are a

clear example of how regulatory

pressure confirms that the

depositary’s independence and

specialisation represent the model

to follow, and Cecabank is the

benchmark in this respect.

Francisco Javier Planelles Cantero, Operations Director

Watch interview online

Securities Services

Our Business Model 00 Strategic lines | Economic and regulatory context | Strengthening our model


Business lines 01 Financial information


Profit & loss | Activity


Capital base | Ratings 02 Risk management | The Cecabank risk function Annual Report 2014