Annual Report 2014 Our Business ModelBanking Services
José Jesús Salvador Casas, Head of Interactive Services
What are the impacts of
technological innovation
on businesses such as
means of payment?
A multitude of new mobile-
based purchasing options are
emerging. The trick is to get the
balance right between innovation,
usability, security and client
protection to allow solutions to
become successful.
A paradigmatic example of
Banking Services is
Servipagos/Ealia. What does
the Ealia service comprise and
why was it created?
Ealia was created as an interbank
service to distribute electronic
documents associated with
collections to clients. It is based
on a central repository, a public
website and interfaces with banks,
Iberpay, and the public authorities.
It solves the issue of the reduction
in the amount of information
contained in direct debits
as a result of changes
to the SEPA regulations. We are
currently upgrading Ealia to
offer added value services relating
to bill payments, invoices,
person-to-person and merchant
payments, which we have
termed Ealia Pagos - Inmediatos
[immediate payments].
What is the response from
financial institutions and
companies? Is Ealia open for new
entities to join?
he Ealia extended receipts service
has six service using entities, who
submit around two million receipts
a month, which are made available
to payers online on
Ealia’s websiteand via user banks.
Ealia – Pagos Inmediatos currently
has seven member entities using
the service, with whom we are at
the stage of integrating it with the
e-banking services and the service
is due to go live in the summer.
These Ealia services are aimed
at the financial market in order
to build a payments network, so
Ealia is open to as many entities
as possible in order to achieve the
“network effect” that will ensure
this payment method is a success
Lastly, how do you think cloud-
based services will change the
payments world?
With cloud-based services and
mobility, a process of increasing
the client focus, based on
usefulness and ease of use,
is under way in the means of
payment world.
00 Strategic lines |Economic and regulatory context | Strengthening our model | Business lines 01 Financial information
Profit & loss | Activity|
Capital base | Ratings 02 Risk management | The Cecabank risk function