Annual Report 2014 Our Business ModelBanking Services
Means of Payment
Cecabank provides a card-
transaction processing service
handling transactions between
client institutions and other means
of payment. This means that any
of the ten million cards issued by
client institutions can operate on
other clients’ service networks and
those belonging to other national
and international systems.
Transactions carried out via the
more than 18,000 ATMs and
127,000 point of sale terminals
belonging to client entities,
or through direct connections
with large retailers and virtual
POS terminals managed by
institutions, mainly belonging to
the EURO 6000 network, are also
handled. Additionally, Cecabank
offers comprehensive operations
processing and management
services to Trionis, handling the
clearing and settlement of the
transactions processed, and
Carmen Cacho San José
Head of Means of Payment
providing a fraud detection and
prevention service, monitoring
transactions processed in
real time. It also provides
Europe-wide card transaction
exchange services.
Our added value includes
proprietary applications in service
mode, for the management of
credit and debit card issues. These
services enable the full card life
cycle to be managed. We also offer
device management applications
through which transaction
acquisition (POSTs and ATMs)
is managed.
These enable institutions that do
not have their own management
application to manage their stock
of devices.
Value services relating to card
issue and acquisition include: a
solution based on virtual cards,
connection gateways between
devices and process nodes
resolving various aspects of remote
management, PIN management,
acquisition solutions for various
merchant types (POS, PC, mobile
POS, m-Pos, virtual POS), bonding
and loyalty solutions, payment
apps and wallets, etc. Not to
mention a service with specialist
know-how on transaction
dispute management.
We are specialists in specific
consulting services card payments
matters relating to both
technology (migration to EMV,
migration to contactless,
and other market standards),
and obtaining best practices in
fraud management or
business development.
Despite the recent highly uncertain economic
climate and frequent regulatory changes, pushed forward
by strong technology competition, it is still unclear how or
when mobile phones will become the main device
for making payments.
00 Strategic lines | Economic and regulatory context | Strengthening our model| Business lines 01 Financial information | Profit & loss | Activity | Capital base | Ratings 02 Risk management | The Cecabank risk function