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Annual Report 2014 Our Business Model

The Treasury and Risk Services

Centre provides services

relating to the support,

maintenance and development

of various applications for the

following activities:

Treasury Front Office.

Treasury Back Office.

Market and counterparty

risk monitoring and

calculation of operating


Operational risk


Banknote activity support.

Other key services include

comprehensive collateral

management, for the management

of all types of financial business

collateral contracts (CSA, CMOF,


suspicious transaction reports for

the identification and monitoring

of transactions that may need

to be reported to the National

Stock Market Commission (CNMV)

and the EMIR service for user

institutions able to comply with

certain requirements established

by this regulation: clearing of

OTC derivatives, reporting to the

trade repository, and application

of operational and credit risk-

reduction techniques.

The services provided by the

Treasury and Risk Services

Centre allow all types of financial

institutions, public authorities and

corporations to access standard

IT applications specialising in

the various trading room and

risk activities, developed by

leading suppliers on national

and international markets. The

corrective maintenance and

upgrading service performed

ensures the systems are adapted

in line with regulatory changes

and new products appearing on

the markets.

Activity during the year

Over the course of 2014 the scope

of the services provided has been

expanded in terms of user numbers

and the range of services offered.

New institutions joining the

Treasury and Risk Platform include

the Instituto de Crédito Oficial

(ICO), which selected Cecabank’s

solution to provide IT support for

the management of its Treasury

and Capital Markets. Thanks

to the wide coverage of the

offered services, Cecabank’s IT

infrastructure and its flexibility to

adapt to technical and business

requirements, Cecabank obtained

the best overall score in the

evaluation of the award criteria set

by the ICO.

In 2014 the EMIR service was

launched with the aim of

getting ahead of the new

regulatory requirements of the

European Markets Infrastructure

Regulation (EMIR).

Key data for 2014

Operational risk database

+ 1.5


loss events

Treasury and Risk

Platform, Spain’s leader


financial institutions,

public authorities and


Collateral contract

management for



Treasury management

Treasury and Risk Support

00 Strategic lines | Economic and regulatory context | Strengthening our model


Business lines 01 Financial information | Profit & loss |

Activity | Capital base | Ratings 02 Risk management | The Cecabank risk function