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The trading room conducts

operations in the main national

and international fixed income

(public and private), currency,

equities and derivatives markets,

both on a proprietary basis,

investing its own capital, and to

meet client orders. These activities

are always guided by principles

ensuring ample liquidity and a

high level of solvency. Cecabank is

also a market maker for Spanish

Treasury Public debt, actively

participating in auctions and

facilitating secondary market

liquidity, not only in spot sales,

but also in repo market financing,

given that Cecabank is a direct

member of the main central

clearing houses (Meffrepo, LCH

London, LCH Paris and Eurex).

Cecabank is a benchmark

institution in the market

for the sale/purchase of foreign

currency banknotes.

Activity during the year

Cecabank’s treasury has

responded well to the new

challenges. From the liquidity

viewpoint, there has been a

transformation in the source of

business from securitisation funds,

which saw an outflow following

the cut in their ratings in previous

years, to a more stable situation

deriving from depositary business,

in an efficiently timed process.

Three key aspects of fulfilling our

Strategic Plan are building the

stability and diversification of

our business and deleveraging

the balance sheet. These have

been judged positively by ratings

agencies when assessing our

institution. As a result, S&P

improved our rating on 27

November 2014.

Over the course of 2014 we have

managed to reopen lines with

many of our counterparties, not

just as a result of the improved

country-risk perception, but also

our better positioning and the

consolidation of our business

as a wholesale bank. Central

clearing houses have also

increased our operating limits and

reduced haircuts.

At the same time, efforts to obtain

new direct clients from cross-

selling to depositary institutions

have been stepped up, resulting

in an increase in foreign currency

operations with third parties

and repo operations. One key

point to note in these operations

is the technological change

brought about by replacing the

old SICE listings platform with a

new technically more advanced

platform that basically operates

over the Internet.

Derivatives operations

Investments are being made in

reducing the risk and the cost of

capital of derivatives operations.

Highlights regarding this line

include settlement agreements

with members of the LCH clearing

house and membership of the new

national derivatives clearing house

created by MEFF, which is due to

come into operation in 2015.

Government debt

market maker

We continue to promote the

important task of government

debt market making, incorporating

a price quotation platform

via Bloomberg on which

counterparties are given real-time

price information. We continue to

take part in all Spanish treasury

tender operations, including

syndicated operations.

Market maker for

Government debt

Member of the

4 main

central counterparties

Treasury management

Trading Room

Our Business Model 00 Strategic lines | Economic and regulatory context | Strengthening our model


Business lines 01 Financial information | Profit & loss | Activity


Capital base | Ratings 02 Risk management | The Cecabank risk function Annual Report 2014