Annual Report 2014 Our Business ModelActivity during the year
Some of the main projects run in
2014 were:
Project to adapt to the CRR
/ CRD IV (Phase 2 and 3)
Regulation and Directive
capital requirements, based on:
Preparation of data
sheets on the standards
published by the EBA,
with analysis of the main
impacts to facilitate their
implementation by
the institution.
Identification of the main
new developments in
corporate governance.
Project supporting institutions
in the process of adapting to
the FATCA standards, both
internationally and in their
national implementation.
Project adapting to AML/
TF diligence measures under
Law 10/2014 on preventing
money laundering and
terrorist financing. Includes
support on identification of
sources of information in
order to compile the new
documentation required by
the legislation.
Noteworthy projects
Adaptation to the CRR / CRD IV
(Phase 2 and 3) Regulation and
Directive capital requirements
Support to institutions in the pro-
cess of interpreting and adapting
to FATCA rules
Adaptation to AML
diligence measures
Banking Services
00 Strategic lines | Economic and regulatory context | Strengthening our model|
Business lines 01 Financial information|
Profit & loss | Activity|
Capital base | Ratings 02 Risk management | The Cecabank risk function